All Products, Webinars with Certificates
Writing: What To Do When Students Struggle
CourseWebinar with Certificate of Attendance. Dr. Bonnie Singer, speech and language pathologist, delves into the cognitive complexities of writing. Explore targeted interventions and the essentials of handwriting instruction.
All Products, Webinars with Certificates
Understanding Your Child's Dysgraphia: A Cognitive Science Approach
CourseWebinar with Certificate of Attendance. This webinar is for parents and teachers seeking a better understanding of the difficulties children may experience in learning to write.
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Executive Functions & Writing
CourseWebinar with Certificate of Attendance. Dr. George McCloskey delves into the pivotal role of executive functions in writing. Insights, strategies, and real-life case studies to support students with dysgraphia and executive function difficulties.
All Products, Webinars with Certificates
The Neuropsychology of Written Language Disorders: Developing Evidence-Based Interventions
CourseA webinar with Dr. Steven Feifer as he delves into the neuropsychology of written language disorders. Discover assessment techniques, tailored interventions, and effective tools to support students with dysgraphia.
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dysgraphiaLEARN Community
CommunityA community of individuals who want to learn more about dysgraphia/specific learning disability of written expression. Educators, professionals, parents/guardians, and people with dysgraphia all welcome! Supportive, constructive conversations only.