All Products, Free Webinars
(Free Webinar) Executive Functions & Writing
CourseWatch expert Dr. George McCloskey as he delves into the pivotal role of executive functions in writing. Discover insights, strategies, and real-life case studies to support students with dysgraphia and executive function difficulties.
All Products, Free Webinars
(Free Webinar) Dysgraphia? What Is It Anyway?
CourseExplore the intricacies of dysgraphia with Cheri Dotterer, OT and author, as she delves into brain-body connections, innovative teaching techniques, and memory strategies. For parents & educators seeking to support students with writing difficulties.
All Products, Free Webinars
(Free Webinar) The Neuropsychology of Written Language Disorders: Developing Evidence-Based Interventions
CourseA webinar with Dr. Steven Feifer as he delves into the neuropsychology of written language disorders. Discover assessment techniques, tailored interventions, and effective tools to support students with dysgraphia.
Dysgraphia Research Priorities
Digital downloadThe top research priorities for dysgraphia! Developed by Dysgraphia Life with broad, multi-sector community input. Funded through a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award (EACB-26111).
All Products, Webinars with Certificates
The Handwriting Concern: A Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers to Recognize and Remediate Handwriting Issues
CourseWebinar with Certificate of Attendance. Heather York focuses on handwriting essentials, discussing the main facets of handwriting success including specific instruction, grip, and physical approach, and how to adapt to a child's needs.
All Products, Webinars with Certificates
Understanding the Impact of Executive Function on Writing: Strategies for Success
CourseWith Certificate of Attendance. Learn a personalized, functional and research-based definition of Executive Function (EF), explore why students struggle with EF related tasks, and examine research-based practices for EF strategy instruction.